The Plot In You have announced their forthcoming EP 'Vol. 3' set for release on Friday, November 8th via Fearless Records. In celebration of the announcement, the band has dropped their poignant lead single 'Been...
De'Wayne who earlier this year announced his signing to Fearless Records, has just dropped the new banger 'lightweight'. The song is about fighting the good fight and never giving up or giving...
Fearless Records is pleased to announce the addition of rock artist De'Wayne to the global roster - he is an artist who has taken risks his whole life and is now putting...
Not A Toy released their debut album ’PRBLMS,’ which meshes bold flavors of alt-pop, hip-hop, R&B, and alternative into a unique blend, earlier this year via Fearless Records. Today, they have shared the...
Plain White T's has shared their video for ‘Fired Up.‘ The song's layered, full melodies and tongue-in-cheek lyrics are the perfect mid-day pick-me-up — it's the sonic serotonin boost you need when...
Plain White T's have announced their new self-titlet album, out November 17 via Fearless Records. In addition, the band has shared the video for their first single ‘Red Flags.‘ In true Plain White T's...
International pop punk band As It Is - Patty Walters, Ronald Ish, and Alistair Testo - released their brand new album 'I Went To Hell And Back' on February 4th via Fearless Records. And now, the band has...
Set It Off reveals 'Who’s In Control,' available worldwide via Fearless Records. 'Who’s In Control' taps into a troubling experience that all creative minds encounter: being paralyzed by an influx of fear and...