
Blood Youth release new track ‘Colony3,’ vocalist Kaya Tarsus leaves band

Blood Youth have released another brand new track, titled ‘Colony3,’ taken from their upcoming new album. Additionally, the band’s vocalist Kaya Tarsus announced his departure from the band, after the Slam Dunk Festival shows.

“The time has come to announce that the two Slam Dunk Festival shows will be my two final shows as the vocalist of Blood Youth,” shared Tarsus on bands social media.

“I know this will come as a shock to many of you, but it’s something that has been in the works for a while.

We recorded this new album early-2020, before the world descended into chaos and all our lives changed. My mental health was the worst it has ever been and losing my father so suddenly at the end of the year changed me and my perspective on life completely.

When talks about the future plans of the band began to start up I found myself dreading the idea of going back on tour. Daily panic attacks, not eating, and barely sleeping. I realised very quickly that my mental health is not at a place where I can comfortably be a part of a touring band anymore and after the 18 months we have all had I do not believe it is fair on the boys for me to make them or the BY fans wait until I’m ready.

Blood Youth does not deserve to go on a hiatus. It deserves to continue and grow. Keep supporting Blood Youth. I will be with them myself as a fan every step of the way.

There is no beef, there is no drama. These boys are my brothers and will be forever. The new album we created is a beast and I couldn’t be prouder to be calling it a day on such an incredible album.

I love creating music, I love writing songs. So who knows what the future holds. But right now I’m listening to my heart for the first time and doing something for my overall well-being.

I look forward to seeing those of you that can make it to the Slam Dunk shows, let’s make it a mad one ❤️”

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