Words: Miljan Milekić
If I would even begin to write about the significance and influence Avril Lavigne had on my generation during our formative years, I could ramble on for hours, and barely...
Words: Miljan Milekić
No matter where in the world, if you happen to be at Frank Turner's show, you are the guest. It doesn't matter if it's a city you grew up in,...
Words: Miljan Milekić
Doomscrolling is bad. However, in rare instances, it can produce a gem or two. Like randomly scrolling Instagram during the weekend trip to Toronto, only to see the Story from...
Words: Miljan Milekić
Mondays suck. Except when they don't, and this was one of them. Near the end of the Codefendants set in the Black Cat Tavern, singer Sam King had let everyone...
Words: Miljan Milekić
As a fan of Get Dead, and pretty much everything Sam King does creatively, I naturally gravitated to Codefendants ever since I first heard their music sometime last year. Even...
Words: Miljan Milekić
Nothing shows how hyped I was for this show better than the fact that I took two days off of work. And it was fucking worth it. I somewhat knew...
Words: Miljan Milekić
Three amazing punk rock bands on a beautiful Spring evening? I’ll take it any day of the week, even if it’s Tuesday. Well, almost, as we only managed to catch...
Words: Miljan Milekić
Not too many things can make one's blood rushing and adrenaline pumping like rolling, bone-crushing drums, steadily raising the tension until the explosion of the first scream of Comeback Kid's...