
Eduarda Duda Penso Bordignon is now on GT

In the last year or so,  made some quite interesting additions to their team. After adding creative genius Tate Roskelley, and boundaries-crusher Juan Molina, the company adder Brazilian rising star Eduarda ‘Duda’ Penso Bordignon.

The news was delivered via GT‘s Instagram post, saying: “It’s awesome to see how much the female freestyle BMX scene has grown over the past few years. New riders are coming up across the globe and the level of progression is exploding. With that said, we’re excited to be supporting 20 year-old Eduarda Penso Bordigno from Brazil. ‘Duda Penso,’ as she’s better known as, calls Francisco BeltrĂ£o home, where she’s been putting in work in the parks, dirt, and streets for the past eight years.

She’ll be joining our current Brazilian team riders Leandro Moreira and her fellow Vans Brazil teammate, Gustavo Bala Loka, as well as fellow female shredder Chelsea Wolfe, and the rest of the ever-expanding GT BMX Freestyle team! Welcome to the GT Bicycles family, Duda, let the #goodtimes roll!”

Duda also took the opportunity to share her thoughts: “I am very happy to announce that I am now part of the GT Bikes family! I would like to thank the whole GT family for this opportunity, it is an immense joy to join this team with great athletes and big friends. Looking forward to seeing everything we will live together, lots of fun and bikes always! I can’t thank you enough for everything I’m feeling, words can’t describe this moment!”


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