
Meet new international straight edge hardcore band Sunfall

Sunfall, a new international straight edge band from Russia, Netherlands, Canada, and the USA, shared their new single ‘Growing Pains​/​Go the Distance.’ Featuring members of Ensign, Hometown Crew, Copperfield, In My Eyes, Sunfall rely heavily on 2000’s melodic hardcore and punk, and influences from bands such as Mindset, Have Heart, Betrayed, and Go It Alone.

Tim Shaw (Ensign), Daan Pleunis (Hometown Crew), and David Lavictoire (Copperfield) are collaborating on this record by writing lyrics and providing vocals. Also, Anthony Pappalardo from In My Eyes/Ten Yard Fight made a guest appearance and recorded a guitar part for one of the songs. All mixed and mastered by none other than Jesse Gander from Rain City Recorders studio in Vancouver.

Check both songs below!

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