Words: Miljan Milekić
Versatility is probably the best word to describe Insideinfo. For years, DJ and producer blends genres, creating his own, unique, high-energy, and adrenaline-infused sound. Today, he dropped his brand new genre-bending single ‘Airwaves’ featuring Rhymestar (available HERE), and we were lucky enough to catch him for an interview.

‘Airwaves’ is finally here. Once again, you offered a track with the signature Insideinfo vibe, but with a dose of freshness, we would expect from you. Tell us more about the track and the writing process?
Insideinfo: Thank you! I had the idea for this track quite a long time ago, the principle was a track that’s inspired by pirate radio, that changes the station as it progresses, into a different genre each time but with the same melodies playing using different elements. So, it starts off in Garage, switches to oldskool then builds up into d’n’b, and does all kinds of switches into different styles. I tried to write it a bunch of times but never managed to get something I was happy with. I used to mix garage years ago, it’s what I was buying when I was first learning how to mix, I was listening back to some old garage tracks I love, then it suddenly dawned on me how to execute the track and ‘Airwaves’ was born!
How did you get in touch with Rhymestar for this one? Did you know from day one you want him on this track, or that came later?
Insideinfo: So, Rhymestar and I have done a bunch of shows together, and we toured Australia a few years back. During that time, we had a few mad afterparties, and one time he jumps on the decks and plays a full-on Garage set. After that, we always kept speaking about those times and how we both love Garage, etc. As I was writing the track, I felt like it would be really cool to have an MC on there to make it sound like it was coming from an old broadcast. Rhymestar was the first person I thought of, so I hit him up and sent him the track, and it resonated with him immediately. He totally nailed the vibe I was after, he even went back to some of his old recordings he had of his pirate days, so we used bits of that in the track too.
You dropped the tune on your own, self-titled imprint. Does having an option like that give you a bit more creative freedom when releasing music? Do you feel that sometimes it can be an additional pressure to work even harder and pushes you to release nothing but the best?
Insideinfo: Yeah, definitely a bit of both, although I feel like I’m working harder and pushing myself more than ever, and that’s a good thing! I just wanted to have an outlet that I could be fully in control of, do all the artwork, all the music, and steer it in whatever direction I wanted. I’m totally happy with working with other labels, but I felt like the time was right to have something and get creative with it in my own way, go a bit nuts and really sink my teeth into it, in all areas, not just the writing process. It does feel a bit daunting when you realize you can literally release pretty much anything, but I will always road test music and get it to a level where I’m happy to let it go before putting it out there.
It’s been two years since you released your self-titled debut LP. How different was it work on it, knowing it would be a full-length? Can we expect something similar in the future?
Insideinfo: Yes, doing an album I started off with a roadmap of different ideas I wanted to try and then pulled it all together into a body of work. It was great, and I really enjoyed it, but at the moment I don’t plan on doing another album any time soon as my main focus is with the label, and also the Circuits project with Kasra. But, you never know. If I feel the time is right or I have a good reason to, I’ll start work on it. The next body of work I’ll release as InsideInfo will be an EP.
In your career, you embraced a lot of influences, including hip hop and rock. Did you ever think about taking your show to another level and performing with a band? Personally, I feel like tracks such as ‘Revenants’ are just begging for it?
Insideinfo: It’s been on my mind and to be honest, when I first started writing music, I wanted to be in a band that performed live. Perhaps in the future, I might look to do doing some kind of live-based performance with some AV, but can’t say when that will be.
In my humble opinion, you and Miss Trouble are a match made in heaven. Can we expect more work from you two in the future? Have you ever thought about doing an EP or even an album together?
Insideinfo: We will be doing some more music again soon; we’ve got some ideas floating around now. An EP would be cool actually, good idea! Love working with Miss Trouble, her voice fits my music like a glove.
Do you have anyone on your collaboration wish list that you still haven’t got the chance to work with?
Insideinfo: Yes, loads, but I don’t want to tempt fate and say who. I really love the idea of collabing with people in totally different genres/styles to create something unique and interesting.
The last one for today – what’s next for the Insideinfo? What should we keep our eyes on in the future?
Insideinfo: I’ve got tons of music and ideas brewing, and I’m so happy to have the label now to evolve with. Expect a lot more from me and the label in the coming months. I’ve also got a fair few remixes dropping soon, another collab with Hybrid Minds on the way, more Circuits material on the boil, and finally some non-d’n’b stuff on the go that I’m proper excited about.
Follow Insideinfo:
Website: insideinfomusic.com
Facebook: facebook.com/insideinfomusic
Instagram: instagram.com/insideinfo
Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/insideinfo
Twitter: twitter.com/PaulInsideInfo